Pennant Nine Yacht Club – The First Five Years
2020 was the year that Pennant Nine celebrated 46 years since its founding.
On the 5th of March 1975 14 members of the Triton Sailing Club attended a Special General Meeting at which two resolutions were proposed and voted on. The resolutions were first to change the name from Triton to Pennant Nine Yacht Club and secondly to change the club’s headquarters from Deneysville to Vaalmarina.

Harry Levy served as the first Commodore, a position he held until the AGM in 1979
Triton Sailing Club was based at Deneysville at the premises of Fred Raath who was the builder of Mistrals. Manten Marina now occupies these premises.

7 boats left Deneysville in the quest to safer waters in the Vaalmarina area. After some deliberation the members decided that the new club would be close to Fools Point. A site was rented from Game Breeders, a farming concern in the Spectro Group. A small clubhouse was built on this site.
PNYC had a fleet of 35 boats at this time.

Early in 1977 discussions were entered into with Rondalia, the owners of the present site. In March it was finally decided to sign a ninety – nine year lease at an annual fee of R25 per annum.The property was subsequently bought and is fully paid for.
In the same year foundations were laid out on the new site and construction of the clubhouse started. Construction continued through the year and a start was made to move from the old site to the new site

On the 15th September 1979 the new clubhouse was officially opened.

We owe all those early members an enormous vote of thanks for the unselfish contributions they made in the founding of the club and also the development of both the clubhouse and the gardens.
Words of our first Commodore Harry Levy (1975-1979) on acceptance of his Honorary Life Membership

‘’We must remember that any service given to any club is given willingly and the sense of satisfaction one receives on seeing the club progress is all that matters’’
Dave Aardts Commodore (2001-2003): Information used in this brief history is taken from Club records and contributions from Tosca,George and Petro Jonker and compiled by Bruce Richards